I sewed this Jane Market Bag for my PP7 partner. From her
Flickr photos and favorites, she seems to like birds. I ordered the bird fabric from Fat Quarter Shop and was pleased with how quick everything came. I also ordered a lime green floral for the lining. The only modifications I made to the pattern were on the straps. I interfaced the straps to help them feel sturdier, and I also
topstitched each strap four times. Overall, I am happy with how the bag turned out. It did take me a long time to sew this, not because the pattern was difficult in any way, but because I ended up with a sinus infection, we had an early May blizzard that knocked power out for several days, and then I had a kidney stone that really, really hurt. Knowing that we had a blizzard two weeks before this picture was taken, look at how green the grass is.